
Don't Love Me Don't Leave Me

(Female vocal)
Come closer, come closer, stay with me, stay with me
Donft you know Ifm pretty fond of you
(But) Donft kiss me, donft kiss me, donft hug me, donft hug me
Never think youfre worth my sweet caress

Donft touch me, donft shun me, donft pet me, donft curse me
Donft you dare to make me sick of you
(But) Donft lose me, donft keep me, donft cheat me, donft spoil me
Youfve got to know what you might get

Donft quit me, donft serve me, donft hate me, donft cheer me
Better not to seek a loving girl
Donft woo me, donft vex me, donft court me, donft fool me
Do I care or just donft give a damn

Donft love me, donft leave me, donft want me, donft dump me
Wonder if I wait for cooing words
Donft flirt so, donft bother, donft flatter, donft vanish
Canft decide and donft have to decide

(Female reciting)
gYfknow, I just feel both ways. Therefs nothing wrong about it, is there?h

(Male chorus)

Donft love me, donft leave me, donft love me, donft leave me

(Female vocal)
Donft love me, donft leave me, donft love me, donft leave me

(Male chorus)

My Boy, Please, Donft Die

@@(Rough literal translation)

Takayuki Yokota-Murakami

My boy, I have been waiting and waiting for you
Till I see you smile.
I have waited for one year
And now you are fading away.

My boy, you will fly in the air.
My boy, please, donft die.
My boy, you will become a wind.
My boy, donft leave here.

I can kiss
Your palm.
But is that love
I donft know
As youfre not here.

With your eyes closed
You are a hard bud.
Not knowing light,
Your tiny body
Is sleeping calmly.

My boy, I have been waiting and waiting for you
Till I can hold you in my bosom.
Probably, someone has summoned you
Since he loves you.

My boy, someday
Fly down here.
Till that day
I will be living alone.

My boy, forever
You will hold back the flow of time.
Not having a name,
You will become white ash.

Open your eyes gently
To the best of your strength.
My boy, donft be afraid.
I will be waiting for you.

I know you are still alive
Even if you are far away.
My boy, let it shine.
I shall never forget.