Releasing a song in support of Ukraine
"Don't Kill Our Children"
The score of the song


I have released two songs: "Anata shinanaide (My Boy, Please, Do Not Die)" and "Don't Love Me Don't Leave Me." Anata shinanaide, a song in Japanese, is a slow ballad. It is a kind of my own Kindertotenlieder, lamenting over the death of a stillborn child. "Don't Love Me Don't Leave Me" is an upbeat jazzy tune, featuring a rather complex emotion of a woman. . Samples of the songs are available on YouTube (respectively, and I am doing the singing as well. The entire songs can be downloaded from or purchased at Amazon Store, etc.@ (Distribution begins on June 26, 2021). The lyrics of "Don't Love Me Don't Leave Me" and a rough translation of "My Boy, Don't Die" is found in this homepage.

Releasing two tunes for violin and piano.
I have also been composing tunes for fans of classical music. The scores of two such piences are available at PiaScore: "A Harbenter in G minor" and "A Maiden in Melancholy" ( and, respectively). The story on what in the world a "harbenter" is can be found in the postscript to the score, but it's available here as well. "A Harbenter in G minor" is distributed by major distributors (Amazon Music, iTune Store, etc.).

For more stories (in Japanese), see.